It’s win-win. Your brand in 9.200 booklets.

Organize an activity or sponsor us.

Without them Buki di Pret wouldn’t exist.

Our participants & sponsors 2024

Buki di Pret would not be possible without our participants organizing the activities and our sponsors supporting us financially. Would you like to participate with an activity or sponsor us, please contact us.

Become a participant or sponsor?

The role of our partners

No Buki di Pret without partners

Buki di Pret couldn’t exist without our partners. They are the ones organizing the activities. And don’t forget the contribution of our sponsors. Would you like to help us or sponsor us. Please contact us

Our concept is win-win.

Win for the participant or sponsor because he or she gets publicity, more customers and contributes to a happier live off the children on Araba.

Win for the children because with your help we can offer them sportive, educational, cultural, creative and social activities. We give them and their parents the tools for an unforgettable vacation. 

How does it work?

Participating is organizing

Participation means that you organize an activity for the kids and make a special offer or discount and pay us a small fee (150 AWG for the 2023 edition). We put all the activities together in our nicely designed Buki di Pret and hand it out to the children. The result is a fun holiday for a lot of kids on Aruba!

What is our goal?

To give as many children on Aruba as possible in the age of 6 till 13 a fun summer vacation! The Buki di Pret Foundation wants children to do more fun things and discover their talents during the summer vacation. We do this by offering accessible activities and offers.

The use of the proceeds

With your help we can develop the booklet and give it an attractive layout, take care of the offers and have it printed. Volunteers will take care of the distribution; they will give the booklets to the schools/teachers. And the volunteers will also make sure that your offers are all taken good care of, thus helping your business getting more customers. 

Principles of Buki di Pret 

  • Win-win: win for the children: do fun, accessible things for less money or for free. Win for organizations: offer children action, extra turnover/customers/attention/members etc. 
  • The activities are accessible to as many children as possible. 
  • The activities are free or cost a maximum of 10 AWG per child. This is up to the entrepreneur, organization or association to determine. The fees should be in proportion to the offer/promotion. The activities offer something special. Something that you normally don’t get, that isn’t there normally, so something extra.

This is how Buki di Pret works 

  • All 8.500 children in primary school in Aruba from age 6-13 years get a Buki. 
  • Buki di Pret will be given to the children via the schools. 
  • Children can only participate in the activities and/or use the offers of the partners if they show their Buki di Pret. 
  • If the offer can only be used once, it is possible for partners to stamp/check off their page in the child’s Buki di Pr

Tips & ideas

Tips for your offer or promotion

The activity or promotion must be fun and affordable (or free), but also beneficial for the offering organization, so:
Keep it simple. 

  • Often a simple activity is fun enough. You can of course organize a football tournament, but a 4-camp with football games can also already be fun for inexperienced children. 
  • Think of small activities rather than just 1 big activity. This way we can give more children a good time and then there will also be more activities to choose from. 
  • Is it not possible to organize the activity for 10 AWG or less per child? Try to find a sponsor, so we can keep it as accessible as possible for children and parents.

Ideas to increase sales:

  • Children get a discount, parent’s full rate.
  • A “happy hour” at a restaurant in the early evening for families. Then it is still quiet there and a fuller terrace attracts passers-by.
  • See it as a marketing tactic. You offer something for free or cheaper now, and after the holiday people may return with, for example, the family or for a birthday party.

E-mail to and we will get in touch!