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FAQ caretakers, parents & children

Why does Buki di Pret exist?

Many local kids don’t go on vacation and then the summer vacation takes quite a long time. Fortunately, there is so much fun to do in Aruba! We love to help parents and kids discover that. Vacation is also there to gain new experiences and we like to encourage children to discover their talents and passions. All children in Aruba deserve a fun vacation!

Why is it called Buki di Pret?

The title is a combination: ‘Buki di’ is Papiamento, ‘Pret’ is Dutch. We assume that the booklet will be a lot of fun.

The child lost their Buki di Pret. Can they get a new one?

Unfortunately, no spare booklets are made. Therefore, when handing out, we were tell to immediately write your name on the booklet and keep it well.

Who will receive Buki di Pret?

We distribute the Buki to all elementary school children in Aruba. Also children who are homeschooled. It is not available for tourists or other visitors. If you don’t have your book yet, ask at school. Children who are homeschooled and have not received the booklet can  contact us.

Can I buy Buki di Pret for a friend or family member?

No, the booklet is not for sale and is only free for elementary school children living in Aruba.

How do I get Buki di Pret?

A few weeks before the major summer vacation, Buki di Pret is distributed to Aruban elementary schools. If a child was absent, a booklet was given to the teacher for him or her. If summer vacation almost starts and you don’t have your booklet yet, ask at your school.

How to reserve your spot?

Check the yellow text box in the buki and see what it says. It could say: CALL/WHATSAPP the activity provider itself or it could say: go to WWW.BUKIDIPRETARUBA.COM

Why do they need to make reservations for some activities?

Activities often have a maximum number of children who can participate. To avoid disappointment, we ask you to make reservations in advance. Reservations can be made this year starting Thursday, July 4 and July 25 2024 @8 AM. Don’t wait to long, because activities fill up quickly. We recommend all organizations to start reservation not earlier than these dates.

When can I start to reserve my spot?

Reservations can be made this year starting Thursday, July 4 for activities in July and July 25 @8 AM for activities in August. Some activities can be reserved through this website. Don’t wait to long, because activities fill up quickly. We recommend all organizations to start reservation not earlier than these dates.

Why two different dates to make reservations?

So that the reservations you make aren’t too far out. We try to prevent people from forgetting reservations and not showing up.

Are all activities for all children?

Buki di Pret is intended for all elementary school children, from kids in the age of 6-13 who are in class 1 through 6 (some schools call it grade 3 through 8). For some activities, the provider has set an age limit. That limit has then been adopted by Buki di Pret and is clearly stated in the booklet.

Do my parents/caretakers always have to come along?

That varies depending on the activity. Sometimes it is mandatory that an adult accompanies you. The booklet will say so. Look at the activity and you will see either: Kids only, Adults welcome or Adult mandatory.

Are all of the activities for free?

Not all of the activities are free. But lots of them are! When you do have to pay, it definitely is cheeper than the regular price!

Will there be such a booklet of offers every year?

We’re not sure yet. As long as organizations want to continue to cooperate or support us and we have enough volunteers to keep doing this annually, then we will.

During which period is Buki di Pret valid?

The offers are valid during the summer vacation from Thursday July 11 to Sunday August 18 2024.

FAQ schools & teachers

Why does Buki di Pret exist?

Many local kids don’t go on vacation and then the summer vacation takes quite a long time. Fortunately, there is so much fun to do in Aruba! We love to help parents and kids discover that. Vacation is also there to gain new experiences and we like to encourage children to discover their talents and passions. All children in Aruba deserve a fun vacation!

Why is it called Buki di Pret?

The title is a combination: ‘Buki di’ is Papiamento, ‘Pret’ is Dutch. We assume that the booklet will be a lot of fun.

The child lost their Buki di Pret. Can they get a new one?

Unfortunately, no spare booklets are made. Therefore, when handing out, we were tell to immediately write your name on the booklet and keep it well.

How to reserve your spot?

Check the  yellow text box in the buki and see what it says. It could say: CALL/WHATSAPP the activity provider itself  or it could say: go to  WWW.BUKIDIPRETARUBA.COM

When can parents/children start to reserve their spot?

Reservations can be made this year starting Thursday, July 4 for activities in July and July 25 @8 AM for activities in August. Some activities can be reserved through this website. Beware: activities fill up quickly. We recommend all organizations to start reservation not earlier than these dates.

Why do they need to make reservations for some activities?

Activities often have a maximum number of children who can participate. To avoid disappointment, we ask you to make reservations in advance.

Why two different dates to make reservations?

So that the reservations you make aren’t too far out. We try to prevent people from forgetting reservations and not showing up.

Are all activities for all children?

Buki di Pret is intended for all elementary school children, from kids in the age of 6-13 who are in class 1 through 6 (some schools call it grade 3 through 8). For some activities, the provider has set an age limit. That limit has then been adopted by Buki di Pret and is clearly stated in the booklet.

Do my parents/caretakers always have to come along?

That varies depending on the activity. Sometimes it is mandatory that an adult accompanies you. The booklet will say so. Look at the activity and you will see either: kids only, adults welcome or adult mandatory.

Are all of the activities for free?

Not all of the activities are free. But lots of them are! When you do have to pay, it definitely is cheeper than the regular price!

Will there be such a booklet of offers every year?

We’re not sure yet. As long as organizations want to continue to cooperate or support us and we have enough volunteers to keep doing this annually, then we will.

During which period is Buki di Pret valid?

The offers are valid during the summer vacation from Thursday July 11 to Sunday August 18 2024.

When do you visit our school?

An email is sent to the head of the school or to the person of contact. Check for the schedule. (always in the morning in the beginning of June)

Where can I find material to show and explain to the children?

An email is sent to the head of the school or to the person of contact. In the appendix of the email there will always be an instruction video, some pictures etc. You can always find more information on our website/facebook/instagram.

FAQ participants & sponsors

Why does Buki di Pret exist?

Many local kids don’t go on vacation and then the summer vacation takes quite a long time. Fortunately, there is so much fun to do in Aruba! We love to help parents and kids discover that. Vacation is also there to gain new experiences and we like to encourage children to discover their talents and passions. All children in Aruba deserve a fun vacation!

Why is it called Buki di Pret?

The title is a combination: ‘Buki di’ is Papiamento, ‘Pret’ is Dutch. We assume that the booklet will be a lot of fun.

When can parents/children start to reserve their spot?

Reservations can be made this year starting Thursday, July 4 for activities in July and July 25 @8 AM for activities in August. Some activities can be reserved through this website. Beware: activities fill up quickly. We recommend all organizations to start reservation not earlier than these dates. 

Why two different dates to make reservations?

So that the reservations you make aren’t too far out. We try to prevent people from forgetting reservations and not showing up.

Will there be such a booklet of offers every year?

We’re not sure yet. As long as organizations want to continue to cooperate or support us and we have enough volunteers to keep doing this annually, then we will.

During which period is Buki di Pret valid?

The offers are valid during the summer vacation from Thursdag July 11 to Sunday August 18 2024.

How do you get the offers?

We asked all kinds of companies, associations and organizations if they would like to organize a fun activity during the big vacation. Many organizations were happy to do so.

What is the circulation of Buki di Pret?

The circulation in 2024 will be 9.200 booklets. Every company, club or foundation that participates also gets a copy in their hands. We also use the booklets as acquisition and promotional materials for future years and like to keep some in our archives.

How do the children/parents make the reservations?

You as an organization already let us know if you want to be in charge of the registrations yourself or if you want to make use of our reservation program.

How to avoid no shows?

Please be aware of the registration moments or be aware of your own calender moments. Please send a reminder to the parents/children via email or whatsapp a day ahead to avoid no shows. Our reservation program works with reminder emails.

I am an entrepreneur or organization and would also like to be in Buki di Pret.

Nice! Of course you are welcome for the next edition. Please   contact us.

Can I advertise in Buki di Pret?

The 2023 edition only includes an ad from the children’s phone. This is an exception. In principle, no advertisements are included. In consultation, we can determine whether it is desirable to include ads in future editions. Please  contact us.

I want to become a sponsor of Buki di Pret. Is that possible?

Nice that you also like Buki di Pret. There are two kinds of sponsors: official and informal. Everyone who recommends Buki di Pret and wishes the children of Aruba the best, we see as an ambassador of the good cause. If you would like to become an official sponsor who can support us with money or services, please  contact us.